Четверг, 30.01.2025, 17:06
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<!-- ********** START OF FIREWORKS SCRIPT ********** --> 
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> 
   * You may use this code for free on any web page provided that  
   * these comment lines and the following credit remain in the code. 
   * Cross Browser Fireworks from http://www.javascript-fx.com 
if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); 

{/*** Include Library Code ***/ 

var ns4 = document.layers; 
var ie4 = document.all; 

JSFX.getObjId = function(){return "JSFX_obj" + JSFX.objNo++;}; 

JSFX.createLayer = function(theHtml) 

  var layerId = JSFX.getObjId(); 

  document.write(ns4 ? "<LAYER  NAME='"+layerId+"'>"+theHtml+"</LAYER>" :  
        "<DIV id='"+layerId+"' style='position:absolute'>"+theHtml+"</DIV>" ); 

  var el =  document.getElementById    ? document.getElementById(layerId) : 
    document.all   ? document.all[layerId] : 


  return el; 

JSFX.fxLayer = function(theHtml) 

  if(theHtml == null) return; 
  this.el = JSFX.createLayer(theHtml); 

var proto = JSFX.fxLayer.prototype 

proto.moveTo     = function(x,y){this.el.style.left = x;this.el.style.top=y;} 
proto.setBgColor = function(color) { this.el.style.backgroundColor = color; }  
proto.clip       = function(x1,y1, x2,y2){ this.el.style.clip="rect("+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2+" "+x1+")"; } 
  proto.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2){ 
   this.el.style.clip.top  =y1;this.el.style.clip.left    =x1; 
   this.el.style.clip.bottom=y2;this.el.style.clip.right    =x2; 
  proto.setBgColor=function(color) { this.el.bgColor = color; } 

  proto.setBgColor = function(color) { this.el.style.color = color==null?'transparent':color; } 


  gX=function(){return innerWidth;}; 
  gY=function(){return innerHeight;}; 


  gX=function(){return document.body.clientWidth;}; 
  gY=function(){return document.body.clientHeight;}; 

/*** Example extend class ***/ 
JSFX.fxLayer2 = function(theHtml) 

  this.superC = JSFX.fxLayer; 
  this.superC(theHtml + "C"); 

JSFX.fxLayer2.prototype = new JSFX.fxLayer; 
}/*** End Library Code ***/ 

/*** Firework Spark - extends fxLayer ***/ 
JSFX.FireworkSpark = function(x, y) 

  this.superC = JSFX.fxLayer; 

  this.dx  = Math.random() * 4 - 2; 
  this.dy    = Math.random() * 4 - 2; 
  this.ay    = .09; 
  this.x    = x; 
  this.y    = y; 
  this.type = 0; 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype = new JSFX.fxLayer; 
/*** END Class FireworkSpark Constructor - start methods ***/ 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype.fire0 = function() 

  var a = Math.random() * 6.294; 
  var s = Math.random() * 2; 
  if(Math.random() >.6) s = 2; 
  this.dx = s*Math.sin(a); 
  this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) - 2; 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype.fire1 = function() 

  var a = Math.random() * 6.294; 
  var s = Math.random() * 2; 
  this.dx = s*Math.sin(a); 
  this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) - 2; 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype.fire2 = function() 

  var a = Math.random() * 6.294; 
  var s = 2; 
  this.dx = s*Math.sin(a); 
  this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) - 2; 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype.fire3 = function() 

  var a = Math.random() * 6.294; 
  var s = a - Math.random(); 
  this.dx = s*Math.sin(a); 
  this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) - 2; 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype.fire4 = function() 

  var a = Math.random() * 6.294; 
  var s = (Math.random() > 0.5) ? 2 : 1; 
  s -= Math.random()/4; 
  this.dx = s*Math.sin(a); 
  this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) - 2; 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype.fire = function(sx, sy, fw, cl) 


  if(fw == 1) 
  else if(fw == 2) 
  else if(fw == 3) 
  else if(fw == 4) 

  this.x    = sx; 
  this.y    = sy; 
  this.moveTo(sx, sy); 

JSFX.FireworkSpark.prototype.animate = function(step) 

  this.dy += this.ay; 
  this.x += this.dx; 
  this.y += this.dy; 
  this.moveTo(this.x, this.y); 

/*** END Class FireworkSpark Methods***/ 

/*** Class FireworkDisplay extends Object ***/ 
JSFX.FireworkDisplay = function(numStars) 

  window[ this.id = JSFX.getObjId() ] = this; 

  this.sparks = new Array(); 
  for(i=0 ; i<numStars; i++) 
   this.sparks[i]=new JSFX.FireworkSpark(-10, -10); 
  this.step = 0; 
  this.timerId = -1; 

JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.explode = function() 

  var colors = new Array("#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF", "#FFFF00", "#FFFFFF"); 
  var cl = colors[Math.floor(Math.random()*colors.length)]; 

  var x = (50 + (Math.random() * (gX()-150))); 
  var y = (50 + (Math.random() * (gY()-150))); 
  var fw = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5); 

  for(i=0 ; i<this.sparks.length ; i++) 
   this.sparks[i].fire(x, y, fw, cl); 

JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.animate = function() 

  if(this.step > 40)this.step = 0; 
  if(this.step == 0)this.explode(); 


  for(i=0 ; i<this.sparks.length ; i++) 

JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.start = function() 

  if(this.timerId == -1) 
   this.timerId = setInterval("window."+this.id+".animate()", 40); 

JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.stop = function() 

  if(this.timerId != -1) 
   for(i=0 ; i<this.sparks.length ; i++) 
   this.timerId = -1; 
   this.step = 0; 

/*** END Class FireworkDisplay***/ 

JSFX.FWStart = function() 

  setTimeout("myFW2.start()", 1000); 

myFW1 = new JSFX.FireworkDisplay(40); 
myFW2 = new JSFX.FireworkDisplay(40); 

<!-- ********** END OF FIREWORKS SCRIPT ********** -->

Категория: Разработки уроков | Добавил: Admin (28.04.2015)
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